SAM VARGHESE 2.0 –28042023

Sam Varghese, popularly known as ‘the one-stop man for resort marketing in India’ hails from a small town in Wayanad, Kerala. Being an Air Veteran, it was not an easy road for him to step into the shoes of an entrepreneur and venture into entirely new territory. There have been a lot of new learning and unlearning, determination and contention, questions and resolutions, en route.

Sam Varghese
3 min readNov 18, 2020

Setback in 2020

When the whole world was perplexed by the pandemic Covid-19 during 2020, his travel company was severely affected. He had been instrumental in building a brand “Groowynd” which won the Certificate of Excellence and Travellers’ Choice for many years from Tripadvisor. Almost all the industries were impacted adversely and the hospitality/tourism industry was the most distressed. The disappointment of the unfruitful efforts in finding alternate employment compelled him to deliberate on other prospects.

Confused … How to overcome this situation

Newfound Passion: Digital Marketing

Meanwhile, there was substantial stuff being circulated on social media about Digital Marketing as an opportunity at hand. Possessing considerable exposure in content writing and Facebook ads, he resolved to give an attempt on Digital Marketing. To cut the long story short, surprisingly ambiguities and anxieties evolved to hopefulness and possibilities. He says, “The resolution to adopt Digital Marketing as the third era of my career has been one of the greatest decisions of my life”.

Is it achievable??

Birth of Vision 28042023

Defining the ‘Niche’ was another challenge as Digital Marketing has enormous potential and can be employed in any industry. While pursuing a mentorship in Digital Marketing with Mr. Deepak, the vision to build something significant emerged. Further, Sam decided to bring about a product for Marketing of Resorts, since he had considerable exposure and experience in the hospitality industry.

Sam Varghese wanted to be “the man to go to for resort marketing in India” by 28042023, the day he turns 51.

Vision — 28042023

Perplexing Yet Exciting Journey

Sam started the journey towards the enthusing goal on 08 Nov 2020 after sharing the vision with his family. They were equally excited for his determination and hopefulness. They testify that the journey has been of disciplined and methodical hard work as he had to ensure attentiveness toward Groowynd (his travel company) as well.

Miles to go…

Reassuring Influences

His family stood firmly with his commitment, though it demanded a lot of sacrifice from their end. Their support has been truly a great blessing in his life, according to him. His unwavering trust in God enabled him to persevere and persistently progress toward the cherished aspiration. Guidance from Mr. Deepak had been a great source of inspiration.

Transformation in his personality

In the process, there has been a sea of change in his personality, according to his family. He has grown more ambitious and confident yet patient and composed at the same time. He has been evolving steadily as a joyful person from a constantly worrying individual.

We wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavors.



Sam Varghese

I am a travel planner with a keen interest in content writing